What can I say, I'm easily distracted. ;)
Spring is sprouting all over here; super early daffodils and crocuses, and hyacinths too. But strangest of all are the lilac blooms! Unheard of in March...

Our neighbor's forsythia is spilling over into our yard, and I just love it. Must plant one myself, I think...

Here's one of our cheery daffodils, out by the front fence...

And I just love the early spring moss covering the bricks around the koi pond, and the ground cover beginning to spread (some sort of succulent, but I don't know the name)...

Also in the works are two more Easter platters - one already claimed, and one up for grabs very soon. I'll be posting peeks on facebook as they progress, so do drop by (the link an be found on the right sidebar). And I'm so hoping to complete a piece for the EHAG Art Guild and PFATT Group's "Screampunk" challenge, but between the full studio schedule, and more health issues for John, I'm just not sure - wish me luck!
How about you? Is it spring in your neck of the woods? Are you distracted by flowers and birdsong? Or are you in the other hemisphere and anticipating autumn now? Wherever you are, I do hope you're finding time to enjoy Mother Nature's blessings.
Well, I'd best get back to the studio now - so many ideas and sketches, so little time to complete them all! But I had to take a few minutes to "visit" this morning. Like I said, shiny object syndrome, hehe...
I'll try to be back much sooner next time. :)
Until then,
♥ Carolee
Really enjoying watching everything blooming from the window. Unfortunately, I've been sick for about a week (severely allergic to the pollen, especially tree pollen). Our lilacs have been totally bloomed out for a few days now. So pretty!!!
The succulent is sedum and it loves to spread once it finds a spot it likes. Enjoy finding you through a FB post of your St. Gertrude. You are wonderfully talented!
Lovely garden pictures and I just adore your paintwork, this is going to be another masterpiece, I love it !!!!
Hi Carolee!
We have Magnolias in full bloom here in Western PA! In March! Crazy, but beautiful! Your little bird nest/cozies would prob. attract more birds if they were hung a ways away from the feeders. Too much activity for them to feel nest comfy! :) Can't wait to see the Easter Platters!
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