But sometimes....Ah, sometimes it was difficult to bite my tongue. You see, every so often there were these women who would come in with fabric swatches and carpet samples (or worse, with their decorators in tow) and proceed to select art based on what matched their furniture.
My job of course was to sell them whatever they wanted. But more often than not I couldn't help myself, and tried to divine which pieces appealed to them, which truly SPOKE to them, and proceeded to try to convince them to disregard the decor. It seldom worked, but I felt a wee bit better having tried. ;)
There's a method to my madness in telling you all this, which is by way of introducing a photo emailed to me by a very special collector of mine, Eva C. of California....
Eva (like most collectors I hope) acquires art that speaks to her, art that makes her smile. The absolute BEST reason for buying art, in my humble opinion. ;)
For most of us, home is our sanctuary, our sacred space. And the art we display there should be something we connect with, something that touches us, something to which we feel a genuine attraction.
Furniture changes, but art is forever. If you love it, you'll find a place for it, matching or not. If you love it, it will fit in your home and in your life...
Home is indeed where the Art is, and I'm ever so grateful and honored that some of you like my work enough to give it a place in your home. And by the way, if you'd like to share photos of your King of Mice pieces and displays, please shoot me an email - I'd love to share them here!
Before I go, I'll leave you a link to the latest pieces, and I do hope they too bring a smile....
Until next time,
♥ Carolee
Great post and so so true! I don't know who ever said that art should match your sofa but I think they should be shot ;o) Art should speak to you and the pieces in your home should be a reflection of who you are :o) Michele
Art is indeed forever! What a beautiful space she has and such inspirational art pieces. One of these days I will have to walk around my house taking pictures of the "vintage" Carolee art on our walls. It makes us all smile!
♥, Susan
Here here!! You said it very well.
Art first, couches second.
Oooo... Just saw your ad on Creating the Hive. Way cool! :-)
~ Deb
How lovely to see so many of your pieces collected and enjoyed in one place!
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