Here we are, a week into 2011, and I'm only now managing to pull together a New Year's post! Some things never change, and I'll spare you the resolutions, because let's face it - you'd only giggle if I told you I'd be better organized, or more on-schedule and on top of things this year. ;)
Truth be told, I'm not a big fan of resolutions anyway. I prefer wishes and dreams, journeys and adventures. Are all artists like that, I wonder? Loathe to be pinned down, avoiding structure and schedules and rules like the plague?
My wish for this year (aside from world peace and perfect health for my loved ones) is simply to make it a year bursting with creativity; that my paintbrush infuse each new piece with magic and joy and wonder. :)
I'm rather proud of the start so far - a nearly finished checkers game commission (which I'll share very soon!) and these works-in-progress for Sunday evening's PFATT Marketplace update....

That said, there's plenty of spooky work on the drawing board as well, including the first ceramic piece I've done in almost three years (a teapot). Look for a wicked cool lazy susan too, and the first Halloween clock of the year. And of course, the EHAG Emporium update on January 31st.
I should add, you may have noticed the little blurb about commissions on the upper right sidebar of my blog here. I am currently accepting just a few orders for spring and summer completion, but the window may close soon, as late summer and early autumn are devoted to creating for the Ghoultide Gathering. If there's a special piece you have in mind, shoot me an email. ;)
That's about it for now, except to express a heartfelt *thank you* for your visits, your encouragement and your support of my work! I can't tell you how blessed I feel to ring in another "Artful* New Year!
♥ Carolee
Your paint brush always infuses each piece you do with magic, joy and wonder! Great start to a new year! Michele
I am so grateful for your friendship, and to be a recipient of some of the fanciful things you create. Can't wait to see what this new year brings!
Happy New Year, Carolee, the best in health and happiness to you and your family. And naturally, looking forward to the continuing, unfolding magic of your work..
Happy New Year Carolee! Not to fret, I'm STILL late with a NEW YEAR's greeting on MY blog(s) and I am not a fan of resolutions, either. You seem like the kind of person who is DOING and not just resolved to do things, anyhow!
Brightest blessings to you :)
Happy New Year Carolee, and happy painting too!
Happy New Year! I can't wait to see what you have in store for The Ghoultide ;o)
love + luck + bliss,
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