We all need a break now and then, right? A little diversion to distract from every day worries and responsibilities, something to bring a smile and spark the imagination?
Overdue commissions notwithstanding, this weekend found me taking a little break to run over to New Jersey with my friend and fellow artist Jen, to attend Hugh Luck's (another friend and fellow artist) fabulous post-holiday Steampunk party...

For those of you not familiar with steampunk, think a combination of Victorian with Jules Verne and H.G. Wells; lace and feathers mixed with goggles, clockwork parts and gears...It's a fun sort of genre of decor and dress, and a FABULOUS idea for a party.
Here's our host, the handsome and uber-talented Mr. Luck, of
Pine Street Studios...

The evening began with a generous serving from the "cogsmopolitan" punch bowl - sooooooo good!

I was good though, and only had one...Yes, those are my hands, the closest you'll see to a photo of me, hehe...those fingerless gloves arrived in the nick of time for the party, purchased on Etsy from seller
DarkDestiny, and
beautifully made. (There's my recommendation for the day!) ;)

To say the party was crowded would be an understatement - this is the kitchen - and before things really got going!

And you MUST see some of the costumes...People really went all out! Here's Hugh's best friend, the handsome (and also very talented)
Joe Mingari...

And how do you like this HAIR?! How clever is this? I'm told an empty water bottle was hiding inside somewhere...

Elegant ladies...

Dashing gentlemen...

A magician added to the evening's entertainment - he was good!!

Later in the evening, a disco ball was added to the gears on the ceiling, and the dancing began (or so I'm told, hehe - we had a very long drive home, so didn't stay that late)...

I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse...It was such a fun party, I just had to share!
Today, it's back to reality though, with much painting to be done for eBay, Etsy and several past due commissions. Look for another update very soon, with photos of a few of my pieces in collectors' homes, and some early info about this year's
Ghoultide Gathering (soooooo excited!)
Until then, enjoy your week, and don't forget to drop by the
EHAG Emporium, where a GIVEAWAY is in progress (LOVE these pieces and soooo wish I were eligible to enter, hehe!)
♥ Carolee
Thanks for sharing the pictures, looks like it was a great party, Leslie Blair Gallagher
Wow, amazing fun! We need more of these around here. Err, then again, we probably HAVE more of these around here, but I'm too busy doing the crazy things I do to join in!
Very creative! Love your gloves!
Nice hands! Baby steps...
Steampunk seems to be my favorite costuming genre. I attended Steamcon here in Seattle this fall -which was amazing beyond belief, seeing all the delicious, ingenious apparel. How fun to have a themed party in the same vein!
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