It's been a very long 11 weeks, with more than a few bumps along the way, but he came through it, and the doctors are optimistic. He's still home for another week, resting and getting his strength back before returning to work. And we won't know for another six weeks if he's in remission. But we feel like we're on the downside of the mountain at this point, coasting instead of climbing, at least for another few weeks.
Sooooooo, a HUGE thank you for the prayers, positive energy and healing vibes, and for all the encouraging comments here, and on facebook. I can't begin tell you how much they've meant. Whatever the outcome, we feel truly blessed. ♥
Studio news this week takes the form of a creative explosion of sorts, hehe...
It began with a rather stressed out dream, wherein I was painting the White Rabbit on a clock - with the White Rabbit himself serving as a model - and a highly annoyed model at that. Seems I wasn't painting fast enough. (Yeah, I know - no trouble interpreting that one, right?!) ;) At any rate, I always listen to creative dreams, so I wrote it all down and set to work the next morning while it was fresh in my mind. Here's the result, which is on it's way to live with a wonderful collector and dear friend...

Further inspiration came in the form of an artistic challenge in the EHAG Art group - our latest creative springboard, titled "Familiar Friends", was suggested by the very talented Sweet B. Soooooo many possibilities there, but in the end I decided to paint a mystical cat, using my friend Lunaea's gorgeous boy Morpheus as a model. Here's the result...

Of course, in the midst of all this, Halloween is still VERY much on the brain, as work begins for the fifth annual Ghoultide Gathering. At the risk of sounding like broken record, if you're within striking or traveling distance, and you love Halloween (the mystical, magical, "boo!" Halloween we remember from childhood!) this show is a must see. I guarantee you'll walk around absolutely drop-jawed. This is my fifth year exhibiting, and walking the show before opening, I still feel as though I were transported to some magical Halloween realm. Oh, and this year, it's a TWO day event!
It's also a super reasonable getaway, with discounted rooms for attendees at the Hampton Inn, which sort of becomes *Halloween Central* for a couple of days, and where you're likely to meet up with other collectors, some of the artists, etc...
I'll post more details soon, but if you think you can make it, book early - "Ghoulies" as my friend Joycee likes to call us, pretty much filled the hotel last year, hehe!
That's about it for now, except to add that a few Middle Earth pieces are also on the not too distant horizon; the Shire, Lothlorien and Rivendell providing most of the inspiration.
Until next time, thanks for visiting, thanks for your comments, and do check back soon (a giveaway is in the works!)
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ ♥ Carolee
So happy for your family. I hope there is good news in your future.
The clock is so cute, the rabbit would be pleased. The cat on the box is amazing. Great work as always.
Pamela Jo
This is wonderful work, Carolee. I love the clock and the cat on the box, it's amazing. You are a very gifted artist and it's no wonder your work sells so quickly.
Good news about hub :o)
I knew your challenge piece would be stunning!!!
You never do let me down :o)
How conected we HAGs are...I'm painting a puss at the moment but its stripy :o)
Lovely work you talented little Hag :o)
Carolee, so glad that John is done with the radiation and I continue to send healing thoughts to you both and pray that you get good news in a few weeks. Your painting is delightful and beautiful as always, thanks so much for sharing and can't wait to see your other magical Wonderland creations! Deb
Your paintings are very whimsical and charming. I love your imagery. It's very enchanting.
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