Well, it looks as though a longtime dream is actually manifesting; a cross country (and back again) road trip with a dear friend!

Two months plus, stopping to see interesting sights (and artist friends!) along the way, a lot of two lane and back roads, big cities and small towns, gorgeous scenery, quirky attractions, diner food...the iconic American vacation, Thelma and Louise style (um, but without the guns and driving off the cliff thing). ;)
The dates and vehicle are yet to be determined, but we're shooting for late spring/early summer 2012. I was hoping to take the Beetle (FUN little car to drive) until John pointed out there's a mileage cap we've already exceeded, lol, so it's looking like we may be in my friend's Expedition. Which means I need to learn to drive something more than a foot off the ground, hehe...
But those are details, and we'll work them out.
I read somewhere there are two kinds of travelers: journey people, and destination people. Journey people are gypsies; they like to wander, to veer off course, take interesting detours, and often throw any kind of schedule out the window. For journey people, it's about the experience. Destination people, while they fully intend to have a relaxing time once they GET THERE, need to get from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible. And they often like to know exactly how many miles per hour they averaged doing it. Husbands tend to be the latter. ;)
My friend Ann and I are the former. We're journey people. And we are sooooooo looking forward to this adventure - and to sharing it via a travel blog as we go along!
In the meantime, I need to get my head out of the clouds (and every road atlas and travel guide I can find!) and get some painting done.
But oh my, how I'm looking forward to this!!
I'll leave you with a little Van Morrision, and be back very soon with new work. :)
♥ Carolee
I made a cross country road trip every year four years in a row and yours sounds like it's going to be much more fun than mine were. Mine were done in July and in a car without air conditioning. Oh, did I mention the two youngsters in the back seat? Aside from the heat and the ruckas coming from the rear seat it was great.
Sounds like a dream!
Carolee.. if your gypsy soul passes through northern Utah be sure to stop at my place for a yummy meal,and conversation. I'd love to meet you and your friend ;)
Van the man! Yeah. Oh, I envy your adventure plans. Iconic American cross country! Perfect.
Congratulations to you on your upcoming travels. I'm a journey person myself and LOVE a good road trip!
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