Not only because it's the longest day of the year, with over 15 hours of daylight. Not even because it provides a wealth of painting inspiration (today's projects include a bit of painting on a Midsummer "Honey Moon" piece)...
What I love most about June 21st in the northern hemisphere, is that as the days now become shorter, we now officially begin to anticipate autumn (YAY!)
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the blessings each season has to offer, and summer certainly has it's share; fruits and vegetables fresh from the garden, warm evening breezes, backyard gatherings with friends, weekend road trips...
But autumn still beckons. ;)
How about you? Do you have a favorite season?
Whether you do, and whatever it is, I wish you all the blessings of midsummer today!
Back very soon!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ ♥ Carolee
Hi lovely friend!!
Oh! Yes! I love summer solstice too cause the day is bigger!! Your paint is so beautiful!! I always loved the paintings of the Sun having a beautiful face like the one you draw!!!
Oh! I also invite you on 24th to my blog if you love Fairies!!! I made a post today about what will happen this Magical day!!!
Happy Summer solstice to you too my friend!!!
Sunny kisses to you!! :o)))
What a great piece. I love your style. I wish I could do lettering and make it looks so good. As for my favorite season, I would have to pick two, Autumn and Winter. That's when the good holidays are celebrated. I love Halloween and Christmas.
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