I have a good excuse though. I was in the hospital. Then the day after I got out, John went in again. Seriously. Stomach ailments for me (still no diagnosis, but I'm on the blandest of diets, and will be going through some more testing), and another episode of heart failure for John.
He's much better now, and we're enjoying a quiet Easter at home. The brunch we'd planned has been moved back a week. At least. I'd really like to be able to order something other than jello or oatmeal before we go. ;)
Meanwhile, I'm painting like mad, trying to catch up on commissions - some long overdue - and also trying to meet a deadline for the upcoming PFATT Marketplace. Well, actually, I already blew the deadline, but was very kindly granted a reprieve. Truthfully, I was all set to skip it this month, and just be "out on vacation"...
Until I saw this...

"Follow Your Heart", now in progress...

In other news, it's looking as though the epic "Road Dust and Wanderlust" trip will be a two parter, with the larger leg of the trip postponed until I gain a little more mobility - which means not only weight loss, but adjusting to a new, permanent, ankle brace. The first leg of the trip - Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida to the Keys and back again - is still on, and I'm beside myself with anticipation! Details soon on the Road Trip blog (as soon as I find time to post that is, hehe)...
For now, it's back to work. ;)
Wishing you and yours a Happy and Blessed Easter, and a joyous spring! Back again very soon with pics of the completed chest....
♥ Carolee
Carolee, what a time you have had! I truly hope everyone is on the mend. You are doing some lovely work there, and I will be anxious to see the finished product. Happy Easter!
I hope you are feeling better soon, and that the doctors find out what the problem is so they can treat it. Your box is going to be so cute!
Ricki Jill
I hope you & John heal soonest! The heart box is looking fantastic :)
Best wishes for you and John feeling better soon. You've got a great start to the heart box and I for one can't wait to see it finished. xox
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