Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Wicked Good Party and a Giveaway!

Flying in to Miss Vanessa Valencia's magical Halloween Blog Party just a wee bit late, but I'm hoping you'll forgive me, as I come bearing treats....

Orange flavored cupcakey goodness, with vanilla and chocolate buttercream icing, and sprinkles and sparkles galore.....

Baked just last night in honor of the occasion, and they'll be going to a dinner party with us later this evening, hehe. :)

But not before I have one for breakfast with a cup of my favorite brew....

(This image is from a "Witch's Brew Cafe" sign painted many years ago - must remember to paint another soon!)

I've also come to the party bearing gifts! Well, OK - gift, hehe....This handsome fellow is painted on an 8" x 8" gallery canvas, and he's up for grabs at the end of the party!

Just leave a comment here over the weekend, and I'll draw a name first thing Monday morning. If you're a blog follower, I'll throw your name in the pointed hat twice.

Until then, it's time to mingle with other party-goers, so I'm flying back out again, leaving a trail of magic behind....

(I'll be back soon, though!)

¸¸,ø¤º.·:*¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*:·º¤ø,..~ Carolee


Melissa Valeriote said...

Wickedly delightful party swag and please pass me one of your scrumdilious cupcakes. I'd take two but I know you're expecting lots of guests. Happy hopping!

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

oh enter me in this one..I love cats and you did a fantastic job as always on this..and those cupcakes looookkk soooo yummy...they really do..I am also a follower..:) have a great weekend..:)

Pixie said...

Thanks for inviting me to your party! I'm having a wicked good time at all the wicked good parties! Hope you have a wonderful day.

America Alcala said...

Wonderful! Those cupcakes look so good!Have a great weekend. :)

Christopher A. Klingler said...

FUN party & giveaway Carolee!

Have a great weekend.

SpOOky CK ((-:

Nancy Hunt-Bartek said...

I love him already! I have 3 cats already, but have never had a black one!
fondly, Nancy
I am a follower.

Sandra Van Winkle said...

I was waiting for you! Thank you for inviting me to your fabulous party. I too have faerie cakes and troll cakes galore! Please come by and have a cup of tea with us!

Always Hauntingly Yours...


What a cool party! The kitty looks like the one I had when I was a little girl. Looks like Tashi. I would LOVE to win. Please put my name in your hopper twice 'cause I'm a follower, too!

Great big smiles,

Unknown said...

Oh, those cupcakes look so yummie!!! Hope you have a wonderful week-end. ~ Moonlit Blessings

Maggi said...


I will forgive anything for a cupcake! lol That canvas is gorgeous! Thank you for a hauntingly good party!

I'm visiting from Beyond to celebrate the spookiest Halloween blog party ever! I hope you are having a fang-tastic time today! You are cordially invited to share in the celebration at my party HERE. I do hope you'll stop by!

Have a spook-tacular day!

Linda said...

Hi Carolee, wishing you happy halloween wishes and many more. Lindax
I have a little giveaway too, do drop in if you can

Kat said...

Mmmmm...those cupcakes look so good. Please enter me for the kitty cat. If he comes to live with me I'll name him.

Alyice said...

I hope you have a blast at your party. The cupcakes look devlishly good. :) I am always so in awe of your work. This morning, I found myself saying out loud, "Man! This girl can paint."

Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

i'm all everything you paint...loved the cupcakes too...the ghouls are having fun at Cre8Tiva's place this weekend too...hugs, r

Melissa said...

Please enter me in your giveaway! Looks just like our old sassy girl and our new adopted little guy! I am also a follower!
Have A Wonderfully Spooky Halloween!

Lynn Barbadora said...

Well now My Pretty......please enter me in this wicked give away....I am a follower and LOVE your work! Oh....those cupcakes look yummy....think I'd like 2!
Visit me sometime!

JennyZ DreamZ said...

Yummy Cupcakes! Hope you have a wonderful day! Thank you for sharing :)
Love the painting. Your artwork is breathtaking!

Anonymous said...

HI Carolee,

Your cats are amazing, especially the eyes!
Have a great weekend....Janean

Jood said...

Can't tell you how much fun I have following your blog--especially at this time of year! It's better than Christmas! jood

NotQuiteJuneCleaver said...

Please add my name to the drawing! Lovely black cat! I had one named Seamus...he's passed now and I do miss him terribly.

Madeline said...

Beautiful eyes!
Pets are not allowed in the building where I live, so I surround myself with animals of other types. My most recent addition is a very cute toy flying fox.
Have fun at your party!

SewPaperPaint said...

What a generous and wonderful post! Thanks so much for sharing!
~ Autumn Clark

Unknown said...

Thos cup cakes look so yummy! And your cat is beautiful :)

Hop on over to my blog to keep on celebrating.


Jennifer MacNeill said...

Pick me, pick me!!
Those cupcakes look delish. I have apple cake in the oven made from homemade applesauce:)

Unknown said...

Tea and cupcakes sounds like a party to me! What more do we need?

Krissy said...

Those cupcakes look and sound delicious! (I love the wrappers they're in!)

laterg8r said...

gorgeous - love your party :D

laterg8r said...

ps - i now follow you :D

Sherry said...

Carolee, your painting is out of this world. I am always blown away by what you create!!! ♥

Kitty Forseth said...

Hi Carolee!

Thanks so much for your nice comment on my blog :~). I am woefully behind on pretty much everything lately, it's fun to say hi to everyone just to remember how wonderful our artist community truly is.

Happy Halloween season! Your work, as always is breathtaking.

xoxo Kitty

Sara said...

Ooooh may I have a cupcake please? Thank ye kindly! :) All this blog hopping makes a witch hungry! :) Thank you for the gorgeous eye candy, too! *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Hi Carolee!
Happy Halloween Party to you! :)

Traci Paynter said...

Lovely party - thanks for the invite - the cupcakes look de-lis-ous!!! I'd have to try 1 of each!!!
And what a lovely party gift -hope I'm the CHOSEN one! I'm a follower as well as a party goer - but even if I don't win - I'm having a great time!

Julie said...

Awww Carolee...what an awesome give away! That sweet kitty is precious beyond words!!!! If I don't get my name pulled can I at least have a bite of one of those most scrumptious cupcakes?!! Mmmmm! Happy Halloween! : )

LYNDY WARD said...

Greetings & Salutations, just flying by to see all your pretties & say hello.

I love your canvas art work, you should do more...

Thought I'd leave my Halloween Party Extravaganza & Giveaway Link:


Cosmic Blessings With Love & Joy, Lyndy

P.S. THX for always staying in touch... :)

Kathy said...

Oh, Monsieur Kitty is absolutely delightful! This Halloween party hosted by Miss Vanessa has been quite delightful. Ta-ta! Kathy

Janine said...

Hi Carolee, this cakes look divine and I want to bite in one at once!!!
I love the giveaway, so please count me in.
And please do it twice as I am your humble follower (he he)
Have a great Halloween- party- night

Rainey J. Dillon said...

Greetings Deary! I'm so glad that I flew by to cackle Hi! It has been an enchanting visit!
Won't you drop by & enjoy some Tea & Cake ...put up your stripy legs & leave the broom to de-smoke for a while!

BIG WUGS (Witchy Hugs) & a wish...'May Magic Forever Rage Within Your Little Heart''

Must Fly Deary!


Monkey-Cats Studio said...

Loving the party!!! I'm making the rounds but unfortunately I found out too late to play on my blog! May I have a cupcake please?
Great giveaway Carolee!!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Those are some wicked good looking cupcakes! Love the ones with the sugary tops. That cat looks just like our Pixie.
♥, Susan

Chrisy said...

Oh yes I can be bribed with goulishous treats any day! Thank you for your hospitality! Please point your broom over in my direction for more treats...if you haven't flown in already!

softinthehead said...

OH my Carolee....This is stunning and someone is going to be a very lucky/happy person when their name is that party idea too. It kinda makes you feel festive even if you have no where to go, lol....Miss talking with you, Pam

Michaele Sommerville said...

Meow! He's purrrrrfect!

Happy Halloween!


AwtemNymf said...

mmmmm more cuppycakes! Don't mind if I have one please with that magikal tea!
I flew in from Vanessa's Magical Party!
I enjoyed my visit! <{:O)
Be Enchanted!

angelandspot said...


lisanelsonart said...

Black cats and cupcakes - you simply can't do better than that! Have a wonderful Halloween and thank you so much for hosting such a lovely party, Carolee! Hugs, Lisa

JoAnna said...

Oh I love cats...especially black ones:) Your cupcakes look delicious.....Happy Blog Hopping!! Have a magical evening

Deborah said...

YUMMMMMMM. Ooop. At least I left one. What a fun party! Do stop by and party with Alice and Dead Bob, if you dare!
**kisskiss** Deborah

Julie Ranae said...

Lovely Halloween get together! Hope I win Mr Kitty...already have a name for him...look forward to visiting often!

Please stop by The Open Window for more party creations

Stacey in Alberta, Canada said...

Gorgeous cat Carolee! Your work is just incredible. Looks like you baking is incredible too - I could jump through the computer screen for one of those yummy cupcakes!!

Twyla and Lindsey said...

Such wonderful paintings! Thank you for inviting me to your party. I had a wonderful time! Have a magical weekend! Twyla

Whisperings 13 said...

such dasterdly delights, yum, yum- all is forgiven, chomp, chomp!
Your work is fabulous!
happy hauntings!

Unknown said...

Oh how my family loves cats. I call my husband the cat whisperer. My little girl is the same too, she won't let our kitten Smokey even hardly walk.

Happy Halloween!!

HopHopJingleBoo said...

did i hear right?1 Cupcakes with buttercream frosting..yummmm.. and a and a kitty giveaway! delightful!! such lovely work!

Barbara on Camano Island said...

Another fabulous party and gorgeous giveaway! You are just too good to be true. Please enter my name twice in your pointy hat. Thanks so much!

Kelly said...

I have been reading your blog for ages, and thought I was already following you! I guess I wasn't...anyway, great paintings as always and yummy looking cupcakes!

Happy Halloween, Kelly

Anonymous said...

Your kitty is so pretty, I would love to bring her home;) Luv your work cause I'm already a follower!

Karin van Dam said...

Thanks for that yummy cupcake and a cup of tea would be delightful! I have been partying all night long, it is morning already here and I still have some parties to go. So that cup of tea is a great energizer again :-)

Thanks for having me over and happy halloween!

Fotf said...

Hi there, still making my way round the circuit lol. Love your cup cakes, must make some of my own but then you have to eat them not great for the figure lol. Would love to win one of your pieces too so count me in on the giveaway. Nice to see my favourite bloggers taking part :)

Renee said...

I love the handsome fellow he looks real.

Love Renee xoxo

Susan said...

Enter me too! I'm a follower also. Love the cat & the cupcakes look so yummy! Where did you find the neat paper cups for them??

Chickenbells said...

Oh my heavens! I am almost stuffed full with cupcakes now (I hope you don't mind that I tried more than one...) What a lovely party and such a beautiful kitty to boot! Happy Halloween...

KatHreN said...

awesome party....I just love your cat faces they are very good....please enter me....good luck all.

Altered Route said...

Great yummy cupcakes! Loved your party.

Suzie Button said...

What a lovely "sweet" party! Yum! I am a follower too! Suzie

Unknown said...

Oooo, a party invitation! Thank you! the cupcakes look most delicious. I follow your blog and marvel at your whimsical technique, and would love a chance to win your wonderful kitty painting.

Sylvia said...

Mmmmm the cupcakes look delicious, thanks for hosting such a great occasion. Love that last post of the it a picture? Come visit my party and meet my guests.

Valerie said...

Love your treats.

Your artwork is so beautiful.

Great party!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Hello! Checking in while on vacation - those cupcakes look SO yummy! Consider me entered, please, for your lovely giveaway. Theresa

NeeNee said...

This beautiful kitty looks like my Ling.


NeeNee said...

i follow your blog.

Molly Anne said...

Charming and delightful treats! I won't mention your lateness if you won't mention mine. ;)

Thanks for having us by and thanks for visiting my own little party!

Annabelle said...

A purrrfect pussycat >^..^<
What’s a witch to do with no black cat?

Happy Hauntings and a Happy Halloween Too!!!
A Witch called Annabelle >^..^< said...

Ummm, helllloooooooo your quenn cakes, take the cake!!!! I am popping my face into them right now!!!!!!!! ;)


LOVe your painting, as always! I just love your work to pieces!!


Bwuahahahaaaaaaaa ~ thank you for being a delightful part of the festivities!!

Sueann said...

Oooo! Those cupcakes look delish!!! I will take one to go please. Stop by my party if you have time.
Thank you for a delightful time.

icandy... said...

What a fantastic job on this painting, Carolee... at first glance, on fb... I thought that it was a photograph of a real black kitty!

Regina Moore said...

Cupcakes look scrumptious! I made chocolate brownies with chocolate icing last week and boy have they have been calling my name! Not good for the diet! Ha!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway opportunity!
regina at missginadesigns dot com

Shell said...

Your cupcakes look so good and I love the cat. The eyes just glow.

Pastry Girl said...

Cupcakes look awesome and sound yummy! Love the kitty!! PICK ME PICK ME!! :)

jann said...

Carolee, absolutely yummy cupcakes!
made me go to our local cupcakery and buy some! Yum. Love the kitty!

Anonymous said...

What a fun gathering and I have to tell you that I'm completely enamored of your cupcake paper holders. Where did you get those?

Happy Halloween!

~ Misha/DawaiOser

Barbara on Camano Island said...

Fabulously delicious! Love those witty wrappers too. Please enter me twice in your pointy hat as I so want to win the gorgeous kitty-cat. (my gosh, that rhymed!)

Unknown said...

Hi, Wonderful Halloween post! Great Halloween cupcakes! Happy Halloween to you!

Valerie said...

The kitty's really cute! Has it found a new owner?


Laume said...

I think I'm gonna go into a sugar fit with all the delicious cupcakes offered by everyone! I love your tea pot and cup art, of course I love all things tea. It's very magical. Your little orange eyed kitty looks like my cat George Weasley. (we had Fred Weasley too but sadly, he died.)

Rhonda Roo said...

well crikey, i'm commenting too late for the drawing, and what good witch couldnt use a black cat i ask you? (Working girls gotta party when they can!)
But it's okay cuz the cupcakes look yummmmmmeeee, and food is a most excellent Roo-distraction.
Happy Halloween Ms. Lovely! Hope your party with the mortals (muhahah) was good!

Jorgelina said...

Wonderful Halloween post!
Those cupcakes look so good!

Happy Halloween.Boooooooooooooo

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

Alas, I am too late! What a beautiful painting!!! Can I have a cupcake?

.oOo.☆♥ Maria-Thérèse parties at ♥☆.oOo.

Weathered & Worn said...

Yummy snacks,fun and goulash decorations! Love the black cat picture!