Have to share what's been keeping me so busy these past few days....

I really do believe this one is enchanted, hehe - the painting process was as if the piece were infused with magic right from the beginning - everything flowed so easily, it was almost as if the chest painted itself. Don't you just LOVE charmed moments like that? Where everything just comes together, as if the universe is raining blessings down? I swear, the house could be crumbling down around me and when I'm in that zone, I'm just in my own little world, painting madly away. :)

In the hope that the zen-like painting vibe sticks around for a few days, I'll be spending the weekend working on a canvas, and several little boxes (which I hope to list on Etsy next week).
In the meantime, look for
the Enchanted Apothecary on eBay later this evening.
I'm off to forage for supper now (part of the whole charmed painting thing is that I don't really think ahead to preparing meals either, hehe)....
Back again soon with a painting from an unusual perspective. ;)
♥ Carolee
Enchanting, whimisical, fun, Happy..
Oh Carolee! It is absolutely amazing! This is my favorite piece of yours by far! (But I'll say that ahgain for your next one!!!). Love the details and the images - love the witch just relaxing on the wicked tree reading - and the drawers!!!!
Love it
Love it
Love it!
Thank you so much for dropping by the other day. I feel so honored. Your art is just so stunning! I truly love your style. Have a magical week! ~Nan
That is absolutely amazing! No wonder it sold so quickly. :) Theresa
beautiful - your work is so lovely
Wonderful piece! Especially love the moon smiling down from the top of the Apothocary.
Phantastic work.
Every which would be dlighted to have it ;0)
Good for you Carolee! when those blessings come run with them. From the looks of it you've been running for some time, great work!
Another enchanting masterpiece! You Rock Carolee!
Just Bewitchingly Beautiful!!!
that is so lovely :D
A mystical masterpiece!
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