The costumed monsters actually hit our neighborhood last night, and I was so happy to see an absence of the blood and gore this year, as the vast majority of children dressed in fairy tale attire; knights and princesses, kings and dragons - it looked like a miniature Camelot out there!
They were overwhelmingly polite too - "trick or treat" and "thank you" and "Happy Halloween!" I'd show you photos, but don't feel right about snapping pics of other people's kids, so instead, I'll show you is the candy bowl, hehe:

Oh - and I have one other thing to share too! Inspired by an appreciation for the season's many blessings, I've painted this double recipe box (which could have sooooooo many other uses too) with a magical scene; the young witch visiting the birds, her charming cottage in the background, crescent moon and stars overhead, birds in flight, whimsical trees (I want to live there, hehe!)

That's it for today - I'm off to do a bit of painting before flying out the door to a couple of Halloween parties (YAY!) I'll be back very soon though, with one of the most detailed pieces I've ever painted - very excited about this one!
Until then, Happy Hallowe'een and Blessed Samhain!!
~ Carolee
A big warm Happy Halloween to you as well! :-)
SpOOky Hugs,
A Blessed Samhain to you as well! I am wondering if you have ever made a witchboard? I LOVE your art so much! I have to have a piece soon!
Happy Halloween! Your recipe box is perfect for delicious fall recipes. :) Theresa
Happy Halloween!
Trust you enjoyed a Good one, Love your new work flight. Lindax
Happy Halloween & Blessed Samhain to you too. I just love that recipe box...It's wonderful!!!!
Happy Halloween! As usual, the recipe box is amazing!
happy halloween, that is a fantastic box :D
Carolee, I hope you enjoyed the holiday...we had a wickedly wonderful day.
♥, Susan
Hi Carolee, sounds like your Halloween was magical.
Also wanted to wish you a Bewitching All Saint's Day too!!!
XOXOs, Lyndy
Sounds like you had a great evening! Awesome recipe box Carolee, looking forward to the next pieces too.
Nice Halloween adventures.
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