The response to yesterday's blog sale was just overwhelming, and never did I dream everything would sell out in matter of hours. It's just such a blessing to put my creations out there into the world and know that someone likes them enough to give them a home - Thank you!
I've been in a sparkly kind of mood of late, probably because I'm still feeling the magic of last week's amazing show, so I thought I'd incorporate a little vintage glass glitter into this week's pieces.
A candle box (although I think it would also make a great tea box) listing tonight on eBay at 9PM eastern...

And the first winter/holiday piece this season - also dusted with glass sparklies...

That's about it for today. I'm taking a rare day off tomorrow for my niece's wedding, and am so looking forward to it. She's very special to me, and I'm so happy she's found her one and only!
I'll be back just as soon as I can. Wishing everyone a happy and creative weekend!
♥ Carolee
Congratulations on a successful evening! :)
With your blessings of the season, winter looks much more comfortable ;0)
love them both....
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