I suppose it's natural for those us who create holiday inspired art. We spend autumn painting winter pieces, winter painting spring, and so on...so perhaps a certain amount of longing just goes with the territory. Although I must admit to feeling the pull much sooner than usual this year. Winter here in Lancaster County hasn't been particularly bad - just much colder than usual - and I think we're all ready for spring thaw. ;)
This piece sort of combines the two seasons...

There's a new Halloween piece this week too - an oval bentwood box, with words of witchy wisdom lettered around the edge of the lid...

Both of these pieces are listed on eBay now, and several new pieces are in the works too - as well as commissions in progress (and if anyone knows how to eek a few more hours out of each day I'm all ears, hehe).
John finishes work (for a couple of months anyway) very soon, and panic is beginning to set in about all that needs to be accomplished before our focus turns to his treatments. Mostly, I'm just trying to get the house in shape, and keep up the pace with painting. Wish me luck. ;)
Finally, a big thank you to everyone who's posted and emailed with prayers and good wishes, and many thanks to the wonderful collectors who enable me to do what I love. Despite the challenges, I am truly blessed. :)
♥ Carolee
I love the bunny box, and that's sayin something because I am not that fond of bunnies! XD
Hugs, Kelly
Oh, I like that first one of the Omelette Fairy flying over the Swiss Alps!...sorry C, couldn't resist!
Wow! These are just too cool......I love them both...
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