I've painted two pieces I'm super pleased with, the first depicting the trio of witches from Shakespeare's "Macbeth", dancing around a bubbling cauldron. I wanted to give it an enchanted sort of feeling, and hope I succeeded...

The second piece is a box, which began with a black cat design, but morphed into something a little lighter, with a tuxedo cat and magical butterfly...

Sometimes life's events make their way into the work, completing it in a way I couldn't have planned.
Life has also thrown us a few curve balls as John begins the second half of his first round of radiation treatments. He's tolerating the treatment well, but is now experiencing some rather painful burns. They're working to deal with it, but in the meantime, he's having a bit of discomfort.
Still, we remain grateful for the availability of treatment, for the optimistic prognosis (about 80% chance at remission) and for the support and encouragement of family and friends. It never ceases to amaze me, in any kind of crisis or challenge, when my assumptions about who genuinely cares, or who offers some sort of kindness, are completely turned upside down.
With that in mind, I'd like to express our heartfelt thanks to all those who've been there for us during this latest health challenge. We love you all, and could not get through this without you. ♥
On that note, I'll say goodnight. It's been a very long day, and I'll wake again in about 4 1/2 hours...
I'll be back again with more new work and ramblings very soon. In the meantime, hold those you love a little closer this week. As the events in Japan (and sometimes in our own backyard) remind us, life is incredibly fragile, and can change in an instant...
Much love,
~ Carolee
Carolee, Your pieces are beautiful! I particularly am drawn to the tuxedo as our old guy passed in November and your painting looks so much like him!
Our prayers are with you for John and a speedy recovery. Burns are not fun to deal with!
Lovingly Barb
Lovely post....I know what you are going through and I send my heartfelt prayers for a complete and speedy remission for John. Your paintings are just the whimsical kind of art that makes my heart smile.
oh the cat box is gorgeous too and everything you create is so beautiful and magical! I love it!
Carolee I'm only just starting to blog again and have been visiting some of the EHAG sites...
I did not know about your husband being ill :o( I'm so sorry for you all it must be heartbreaking...
I'm glad that at least you have your good fiends and family to help you...that must be a blessing...
And your art...sometimes we can lose ourselves in our art and forget, if only for a moment, that we have worries...
I'm thinking of you sweetheart...
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