I'm not OCD about much (and certainly not housework, hehe) but very once in a while an idea grabs hold and won't let go. This week it was hedgehogs. :)
There was a chair...

Next up is Halloween - more precisely, a Halloween carriage clock, which I hope to have finished in time for the March 31st EHAG Emporium update. If you scroll down the right sidebar of my blog here, you'll see a similar piece. These clocks were discontinued by the manufacturer several years ago and have been nearly impossible to find ever since - but I stumbled on a few more last summer, and was lucky enough to acquire them (after doing a little happy dance!)...Stay tuned for "The Witching Hour". ;)
Which brings us to housework. That little thing I'm NOT so OCD about...
The thing is, between John's radiation treatment (see previous posts) and my need to paint every hour God sends (don't even get me started on gas, co-pays and prescriptions) little things like dusting and sweeping have necessarily fallen by the wayside. Enter three very special young women - our daughter Courtney, her BFF (and our newly adopted, honorary, second daughter) SarahGrace, and our wonderful niece Sarah, who've all very kindly volunteered their time to give us a hand with things around here as I work, and John recuperates.
Courtney and SarahGrace were out today in fact - dusted and swept, brought and prepared a wonderful meal in celebration of John's 54th birthday, and cheered us both greatly...
Sooooooo...blessings from three more angels! There have been others throughout this ordeal as well (you know who you are!) and I can't tell you how heartening it is to know we're not alone in this. What a gift we have in family and friends!
And finally, in the family and friends department, we lost someone very dear to us recently, and attended the memorial just a few days ago. She was a very private person, so I won't post details here, except to say it was an honor and a blessing to know her, and she'll be missed terribly by so many people.
So hold those you love close, give them a hug, and tell them how special they are right now.
I'll be back very soon, and in the meantime, thanks for reading my ramblings, and thanks for your comments. I do read each and every one, even if I don't always have time to post or respond.
Artful Blessings,
♥ Carolee
Hello Carolee!
You're paintings are soooo beautiful ! The chair is amazing and so is the clock and the springtime sign!!!! y All of your work is amazing !
I 'm really sorry about your los.
that chair is particularly enchanting.
Beautiful work and that chair is quite amazing! ;-)
Spring blessings.
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