Seriously, every year after set-up, we all walk around with our jaws on the floor, and I know this year (with some fabulous new exhibitors!) will be no exception. Click here to check out the details and lineup of artists. Pretty amazing, yes?!
Oh, and if you haven't already seen this, check out the video from the 2009 show (things were so crazy busy last year I don't think a video was made)...
See? Pure *magic*! ;)
Aaaaaannnnnd, if you're within striking, or even traveling distance, you can mention you're attending the show and get a heckuva reduced rate at the Hampton Inn. (Book soon, though - I'm told last year we filled the hotel, hehe!)
Like some of the other artists, we'll be arriving a day early so as to get our bearings, touch base with friends, and be well rested before the big event. One of my favorite things about the show is running into other artists and collectors in the hotel lobby or local coffee places. So if you see me (I'll be the roundish, middle aged lady, dressed in black with a cross between a big grin, and a deer-in-headlights expression), please do introduce yourself. :)
Really, I know I sound like a broken record, but you do not want to miss this show. Grab your hubby or wife or significant other, grab some friends, get a caravan together, share a room or two (I mean, with room sharing we're talking like $35 or less a night - where else can you get a vacation for that!?)
OK, taking a deep breath and stepping down now, hehe...
And back to the studio, where all kinds of wicked and whimsical pieces are waiting to make their way to Michigan this fall...
Hope to see you there!
♥ Carolee
I was lucky enough to meet you in the hotel at breakfast last fall. It is a special, magical event with so many talented artists! I need to start playing the lottery so I will have enough money to buy from everyone there!
I already made reservations and talked my sister into taking the day off-we are both looking forward to it!
Ooooo, awesome Halloween goodness!
I'd sure love to come and especially meet you...in person. Just don't know where we will be at that time, but I will put the date on my calendar and well, you just never know!
Hi Carolee! What and who plays that music w/the Ghoultide video? An Equired mind wants to know!!
I believe it's a soundtrack of some sort - I'll find out. :)
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