Unfortunately our neighborhood will most likely sound like a war zone, so we'll spend a good bit of the evening comforting the fur-kids. Can you tell I'm not a fan of fireworks? Oh, I like the professional displays alright, and remember the days when we lived in southern California and would drive to Anaheim to walk the grounds of the Disneyland hotel, where you could see the Disneyland fireworks for free (we were young, broke, and resourceful, what can I say?)
At any rate, it's the illegal stuff I'm not fond of - firecrackers and M-80s and the like. They're dangerous, and it never fails that following the explosions we hear ambulance and fire sirens.
But back to a quiet Fourth. It was indeed that all day - and in fact most of the weekend during daylight hours, as I finished the third in a series of Watership Down inspired paintings. Meet "Hazel"...

He's already spoken for, but I do hope to offer prints soon. :)
In fact, I'm super excited about this new print venture, and am thrilled it will make at least a few pieces of my work more accessible. And the ideas for new paintings keep my head spinning! More about this later...
In the meantime, I'm off to cut up some ice cold watermelon for our dessert tonight. John is grilling tuna steak and veggies for dinner - yum!
I hope those of you in the US are having happy - and safe - holiday weekend!
Back very soon (with a new mouse piece to share!)
♥ Carolee
Have a great Fourth. Ours will be quite, at least were fireworks are concerned. They have been banned because of wildfire threats in our area of Texas. Actually in Texas period. So tonight I will watch fireworks on youtube.
Hazel looks great. I'm glad you are doing prints and I hope that goes well for you.
Pamela Jo
Happy 4th of July Carolee to you and John! Wish it was indeed a quiet one for you, I hear you about the fur babies. We have one who turns into a quivering, panting, terrified pile of puppy fur whenever she hears any sort of a loud noise. Since we got her from the pound a few days after Canada Day (fireworks are always around on that day here as well)we assume she ran away after being scared off by fireworks. I am so excited about your new prints venture, I would LOVE to have a piece of your amazing artwork here in my home! Hazel is absolutely beautiful, someone is going to be very lucky! Hope you enjoyed your delicious sounding dinner and had a SAFE 4th! Deb
I'm not a big fan of fireworks either, and would be trying to get some rest if it wasn't so awfully loud on my street right now and I wasn't waiting for one to hit the house and set it on fire.
i adore fireworks, especially the professional sets when i can get close enough to feel the fallout on my arms. 'fireworks' i adore, setting off m80s just to hear the noise is foolishness. soninlaws' 50+lb. boxer/pit mix is a nervous wreck now...he almost has to be shoved outside to do his business he's so unnerved. >:(
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