As promised, here's a peek at the finished painting of Hubba the Ginger Cat...

It sold before I had a chance to list it, but I hope to have prints available soon. :)

Next up - Ghoultide Gathering painting!! I'll post some exciting news about the show very soon. In the meantime, I'm off to make supper. Wishing everyone a happy and *CrEaTiVe* rest of the week!
♥ Carolee
hello from greece!!!i am crazy about cats!!!my little baby boy cat is ginger he is 2 years old !!!you can see photos from my blog !i have translation!!!!glad to find your beautiful blog!!!! :)))
Absolutely beautiful!
This painting is amazing!
Beautiful. Your paintings always amaze me Carolee.
Oooo! I especially like this one!!! :-)
~ Deb
Oh my, why can't I ever find a word less mundane than "charming" when I need one? It is, though--charming, and well wrought--and--charming!
A perfect pumpkin boy (my 5 year old and I call ginger cats little pumpkins)ready for Fall!
Just beautiful!
Stunning. Everything about this piece is beautifully done.
Beautiful, Carolee! :) Can't wait to see the cards. ;)
CK ★
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