One of the current loves of my life is our big boy Arthur (weighing in at almost 18 lbs when last we checked)...

Demanding too. When he wants to be fed, he knocks over the wooden screen surrounding the cat food bowls. Like a Hobbit, Arthur thinks morning mealtime includes "second breakfast". ;)
While Arthur is usually my model of choice for ginger cat paintings, I'm painting another handsome boy today. Meet Hubba Bubba...

The perfect autumn cat, I think.
Detail will be filled in today, and I'll share the finished product here and on facebook before listing on Etsy this evening.
Do you have a Ginger boy (or girl) in your life? Please do tell, and if you'd like to share a reference photo for future paintings (via email) I'd be honored!
Until next time,
♥ Carolee
Not a ginger but a blackie, equally adorable and utterly full of character.
No, I'm afraid I can't have a cat. These two are beautiful and would make it hard not to love ginger cats. Can't wait to see the completed painting.
I had a ginger cat, named DC. He liked to pretend he had that independent catatuid, but I would catch him waiting for me. He would wait in the front yard until he saw my car coming down the road. He would then climb the back fence, go through the dog door and curl up on the couch with his back to the door. When I came in he would slowly look over his shoulder, yawn, stretch and lazily walk toward me with that "Oh your home" look.
I miss my boy...
Arthur sounds a lot like my "boldie goldie" cat named Julius. He's demanding and overweight as well.
i have a ginger cat 2 his name is mpempis you can see him if you visit my blog i am from greece but i have translation!!
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