I've been thinking a great deal about them lately, this bestowing, or infusion of grace and goodness in our lives...
(Sorry, no photos this post, just rambling.) :)
Speaking from a strictly personal point of view, we've experienced many blessings these past months, despite some rather serious challenges we're facing at the moment.
As friends and family, and those who follow here regularly know, my husband John underwent heart surgery about a year and a half ago to repair a damaged mitral valve, and has since had issues with heart failure and COPD. Well, despite the success of the surgery, he's now developed something called mitral valve stenosis - a complication that can arise from scar tissue making the valve too tight, cutting off blood flow and resulting in constant exhaustion and breathing difficulty. The only fix? Another heart surgery, this time to replace the faulty valve with a mechanical one.
An unexpected challenge on many levels - physically, financially, and certainly emotionally. But truly a blessing as well. There was a time not too long ago when a diagnosis like this would have been a slow death sentence; when the patient would have been told to go home and stay as quiet as possible, until the heart and lungs finally gave out. What a miracle to live in a time when they can stop a beating heart, replace the faulty valve, and start that heart back up again stronger than ever...I'm old enough to remember a time when this would have been something out of science fiction, but here we are. Amazing, isn't it?
We're further blessed with a daughter now living closer to us, and with friends and family who've stayed in close touch, offered prayers and positive thoughts, sent emails and cards, and who regularly inquire as to John's well being, and for this we're grateful.
And financially, while much of my strategy consists necessarily of procrastination, I tell myself that at least I have a job where the more I work, the more potential for income there is, but one which is also flexible and will allow me to spend time at the hospital those first few critical days. To this end, I want to thank all of you who are supportive of my work from the bottom of my heart; you have no idea what it means to me - to us - especially now. An incredible blessing, and we're so thankful for your kindness.
We still have a couple of weeks before the surgery, during which time I'll be painting madly (both Halloween and Christmas/Yule pieces) and John will be resting as much as possible and gearing up for another hospital stay.
If I owe you an email, it's coming, it just may take a day or two. Shipping will still go out several times a week, and I'll post updates as regularly as possible on facebook, and here on the blog.
We love you all, and so appreciate your continued prayers and positive energy!
~ Carolee